I am a huge Johnny Depp fan and so I went into this movie with some trepidation as I was not the biggest fan of Dark Shadows, which surprised me as I have always loved both him and the vampire movie.
That said I really enjoyed Lone Ranger I didn’t listen to the radio show or watch the old Television programme.
Now, I must admit, I did listen to the negative reviews, and was influenced by them so I went into this movie with low expectations, but I am happy to say I loved this movie, it made me laugh and smile and Mr Depp was his usual self with odd facial movements and great one liners.
I loved the concept of an old Tonto telling his adventures to a young boy dressed as the Lone Ranger, although is is unclear whether he is a ghost or working at an exhibit.
Someone asked me if the movie would be as good without Johhny Depp and the answer is no, but then would it be the same without Armie Hammer to bounce off and William Fichner as the villain?
Everyone plays their part to make this movie good; its not great but it’s a solid family movie.
Like I’ve said previously, I look for the good in movies and with this one it was easy. It was the classic tale of good versus evil, in the slapstick comedy genre that Depp is becoming more and more associated with and it is something I have watched him perfect over the years of his career.
To all those who didn’t enjoy this movie, what did you expect? It was directed by the same man responsible for the Pirates of the Caribbean so there are similarities.
It isn’t meant to change your life, merely entertain.