How to Make Your Old Car Feel Brand New Again
If you have a really old car then you will understand how hard it can be to get it looking good again. You may feel like nothing you do works and you may even feel as though you are throwing money down the drain as well. It doesn’t have to be this way however, because there are things that you can do to fully restore your old car back to its original condition.
Clean Everything Down
It’s so important that you scrub everything down. Scrub and shampoo the carpet, the upholstery and even the boot. This may sound like hard work but it’s the only way for you to really get a great result out of your restoration. If you are technically-minded then you also need to try and take out your car seats and vacuum underneath them. If you haven’t cleaned your car in quite some time then you may also want to check the engine bay as well, as grime can accumulate here over time. This cleaning will really pay off and it will also set you up for the next few jobs that need to be done.
The Cockpit
Focus on the areas you are going to be touching first. This can include your steering wheel, dashboard and gearstick. If you have an older wheel then it may be worth you investing in a cover. Some services will even paint or refinish your dashboard for you as well, as this can really bring it back to its original condition. Dashboard illumination is very popular at the moment and you might even want to install some LED lights. Seat foam tends to break up over time as well so if you have had your seats for quite some time then it may be worth you trying to replace the whole thing. You can get cheap car seats from scrap yards and most of them are perfectly fine to use. All you need is a seat cover and you have an instant upgrade.
If you haven’t purchased your car in the last 5 years then there is a high chance that the sound system is either dated or not working at all. It’s very easy for you to upgrade your system and you’d be surprised at what a difference it can make to your driving experience. You can even get GPS systems that fit into your car dashboard as well, and these are fantastic if you want to feel more confident when on the open road.
Personalised Number Plate
Personalised reg plates are also a great way for you to make your car look nice and new. Private plates can be purchased online and choosing your own can be a very exciting experience. Once you have it registered under your name and all of the paperwork sorted out, you can then install it on your own car with ease. This is another upgrade that is well worth the money and it can make all the difference to the look and feel of your car.