Australian Hip-Hop Artist makes UK Debut!
Could Giovanni ‘Gio’ Agosta, a regular 19 year old from a remote farm on the other side of the world, be the next big thing in Hop-Hop? After listening to his songs, the answer is most definitely yes. With his vibrant yet versatile style, Gio showcases his extremely talented ability to be able to play many instruments as well as freestyle.
Growing up in West Melbourne, Australia, personal losses and life experiences have inspired the raw songs on his new album, as well as being exposed to several diverse genres in music. He has taken his influences, such as Macklemore and Bob Dylan, and incorporated them with his experiences to create this edgy yet intimate sound. His new single ‘Dear Bup’ started out as a poem to his ex-girlfriend, who broke up with him because his dedication to music meant that he didn’t have much time for her. Knowing she would never read it, he created the single.
When writing ‘Real’, Gio said his perception of music was enlightened, ‘I didn’t just want to be a rapper anymore, I wanted to hit the right notes. The album is called ‘Real’ because it seems like people are judged as not being real or their music isn’t ‘real’. I feel like the end verse of my first single Real sums it up “See these days we don’t feel real unless someone else agrees. Because people push you to be a certain way, to act like something, to talk about what they think is the sh*t… I don’t need to rap about drugs, but if that’s expressing myself and it’s important to me, then I should. I can say what I feel, because what I feel is real.”’. Gio has played alongside artists such as M-Phazes (who produced a couple of tracks on Eminem’s latest LP the MMLP2), Butterfingers & Mind Over Matter, and has worked with singer Jimmy Cupples and also has received ongoing support from ARIA Award winning rapper 360 since he came to watch Gio’s headlining show in Melbourne.
Gio is not only incredibly talented within the studio, on the stage is where he truly shines. His producer, Mark Belcastro, comments that “When Gio’s on stage, he steps it up to a whole new level…He doesn’t stand up there and just play his songs, but rather wants people in the crowd to join in and be in the show”.
Looking to get involved in urban clothing labels is yet another innovative idea that Gio has had in order to promote his music, alongside releasing his album for free. In many ways, Gio is like any regular kid, going to parties and socialising with friends, the exceptions being his talent, passion and ambition for music and that one day, he will be inspiring many young musicians just like himself.
‘Real’ will be released in the UK in early March 2014, and his single ‘Dear Bup’ will be released on January 15th, which you can listen to on SoundCloud here: www.soundcloud.com/gioay/dear-bup
For more information and interview/feature opportunities please contact Vicky at Quite Great Music PR: Vicky@quitegreat.co.uk or call 01223 844 440