Daniel Koek – ‘High’ – album out now
True to our name, there’s something very unfashionable about enjoying uncomplicated pop music at the moment. The charts are filled with rappers, dance pop and indie, but the fact is that Ed Sheeran – perhaps his generation’s most unabashed pop songwriter – sold more albums than anyone else last year.
This bodes well for Daniel Koek, whose new album, though not similar to Sheeran in sound, shares a similarity of spirit. The cool kids will turn their backs and sneer, but music lovers will rejoice in the purity of a great vocalist at work.
Pulling together a selection of well known pop songs, musical numbers, classical tunes and more, ‘High’ is an album that celebrates a real talent in Daniel Koek. It comes as no surprise to learn that he has performed in the West End and has a background in stage musicals, as it takes truly great vocals to make it there.
However, with a pinch of luck, Aussie Daniel Koek could transcend the stage and move into the mainstream in a similar vein to Idina Menzel – who went from Broadway star to global icon with the release of ‘Frozen’. He’s that good, and he proves it on this album.