Free Download – Debut single from Baron Goodlove, ‘Orpheus’
Offered up as a taster for a forthcoming debut EP, this new free download bodes very well indeed for the release it precedes. Written by UK song writer Baron Goodlove, the lyric video above guides you through the slinky sounds and lyrics of debut single ‘Orpheus’.
Influenced by many artists who have gone against the grain the past (Jeff Buckley, Peter Green’s Fleetwood Mac, Captain Beefheart, Frank Zappa, Billie Holiday and Django Reinhardt are all named in his press information), Baron Goodlove has cultivated a mature brand of jazzy, guitar based indie.
Methodically building throughout the verses with very little wasted movement, the song gradually lilts towards the crescendo of each chorus before retreating back into itself again. It’s not bombastic, or grandstanding, but it is certainly ear catching.
You can get the free download here if you’ve enjoyed the video above: https://www.reverbnation.com/barongoodlove