
Indie-rock album out now from Weinf

Weinf album coverBased in the beautiful city of Barcelona, Weinf is a songwriter who brings a fresh sound and certainly a unique outlook with his new album, ‘Requiem For Myself’ (get it here). In terms of his sound, it takes the low register vocal style of Dylan and Jim Morrison, and punctuates it with moments of flair with its skillful guitar lines. The pace varies, as is the case for many indie-rock releases. Where this one is different though is the subject matter.

As indicated by the title, the lyrics and tone of the release is extremely self-reflective. The reason for this is that, shortly before writing the album, Weinf was told he was suffering from cancer. Struggling to deal with the news, he discovered an outlet in his songwriting. The eventual result of that burst in writing was this album.

Now cancer free, ‘Requiem for Me’ now offers a real insight into how that news feels. Many of us will have been (or unfortunately will be) affected by cancer at some time in our lives, and this album is as honest a perspective on that as you’re likely to hear. It’s not an easy listen at times, but it may just be an important one.

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