New video from Kelz, The Black Kupid – ‘Hold Up’
A genre on the rise, urban dance music is a blend of hip-hop, rap and EDM that seems to be spawning many talented young writers in the UK at the moment. One of those artists, Kelz TBK (The Black Kupid), is currently celebrating the release of his latest video for free download ‘Hold Up’.
Free to download via Soundcloud as part of mixtape ‘The Black Kupid 2’, the track reinforces further the fact that Kelz TBK really is an artist with true potential. He’s rubbing shoulders with a lot of the right people on the London music scene, as well as getting high profile attention on Mobo.com and MTV online.
It might not be too long before Kelz TBK breaks through into the mainstream, so check out the mixtape and be the first of your friends to catch on to the next big thing…