A homecoming heart – With the instruments creating that calming, relaxing feel along with the vocals. The lyrics are superior as well as the vocals being really sturdy and easy on the ear. A pleasant comforting unhurried start to the album.
The ascending Light – The lyrics are really harmonious in this track is again a really relaxing song with a really lovely melody being played on the instruments and the pleasant-sounding vocals.
Sunday Morning Song – It is fairly unhurried paced but that just helps to express more passion in this song. The trumpet is in particular really comforting in this song; this is one of my preferred songs of the album effortlessly. Overall really fine pleasant song about his common Sunday morning habit.
The King Is Dead – A remarkable song about holding on (Sticking through something till the end). Really lovely lyrics in this song, Along with the melodies formed on the guitar. Again has really pleasant easy on the ear vocals.
Freedom – Really heart-rending and peaceful track. Is a fragment bubblier then the rest of the songs so far, but it still keeps its pleasant-sounding vocals and melodies from the instruments.
Your Love Is A Weapon –The guitar is really pleasing and relaxing in this track and helps to produce tempo all the way through this song. Along with the vocals it creates a really nice pleasant-sounding song. The trumpet comes back to commence this song, and is an additional slow tempo song on the album.
One Step Closer – it starts to pick up the tempo a bit on the way to the end. With a bit more liveliness could be allusion to how close he is getting to love, meaning towards the end of the song he is closest. A really comforting pleasant song, this song is so harmonious with the melody played on the guitar, and the vocals you almost get gone astray in this song.
I Am An Eagle –The lyrics in this song a really first-class allowing you to visualise them easily. But again that doesn’t alter the astonishing melodic vocals there is no guitar in this song and the beat and melody is completed by a piano in this song. Also the only track in album to feature a choir.
The Light Of The Moon –is really restful and easy on the ear like the majority of his tracks. A really pleasant song to say goodbye to the listener/Listeners. Almost certainly the slowest song in the album
The Shamans Call is set to debut 15th Of June! Overall the Shamans call is a really peaceful and relaxing album; this is done by the assortment of harmonious vocals Sandy Kilpatrick includes in all his song and the melodies being played on a variety of instruments.
Hear the single “Your Love Is A Weapon” Here: